Leang Seckon / Exhibition and Performance by Metaestetica Lab

Leang Seckon / Exhibition and Performance by Metaestetica Lab
Image by Focus Cambodia / Enric Catala 

Date: Saturday, November 18, 2023
Time: 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Venue: Meta House Phnom Penh, #48 Street 228, Phnom Penh

Facebook Event

Exploring Art and Culture: Leang Seckon's Performance and Exhibition at Meta House Phnom Penh

Event Details:

  • Organizers: Metaestetica Lab@Museum, Italian Cambodian Arts Project, Anicca Foundation, Italian Cambodian Business Association
  • Venue: Meta House Phnom Penh, #48 Street 228
  • Duration: 2 hours
  • Admission: Free Entrance, No Registration Required

Metaestetica Lab@Museum is proud to present an extraordinary 2-hour event – Leang Seckon's Performance and Exhibition, scheduled for Saturday, 18 November 2023, at the iconic Meta House Phnom Penh. This event is part of the "(Visions) ON the Future" project, initiated by Metaestetica Lab@Museum, dedicated to documenting contemporary art in Cambodia through a mini-museum and publication.

Event Schedule:

  • 5:00 PM – 5:30 PM: Guests' Arrival
  • 5:30 PM – 5:40 PM: Opening Remarks by Carlo Santoro, Director Metaestetica Lab@Museum
  • 5:40 PM – 6:00 PM: Leang Seckon's Tours Out of the Kingdom (Introduction by Marina Pok, Creative Director Anicca Foundation)
  • 6:00 PM – 6:30 PM: Leang Seckon's Performance
  • 6:30 PM – 7:00 PM: Networking with Artist and Guests

About Leang Seckon:
Born in Prey Veng province, Cambodia, in the early 1970s, Leang Seckon is a prominent figure in the emerging Cambodian contemporary art scene. His works reflect a profound connection to Cambodia's history, surviving the tumultuous periods, including the Khmer Rouge regime. Renowned art historian Dr. Peter D. Sharrock hails Seckon's paintings and collages for preserving an ancient sensibility while showcasing a mastery of form reminiscent of Angkor's efflorescence a millennium ago.

Anicca Foundation's Support:
The event is generously supported by the Anicca Foundation, which plays a pivotal role in promoting cultural exchange and diplomacy between India and Cambodia. Marina Pok, the Creative Director of Anicca Foundation, has been a special guest of the Indian Embassy, fostering new avenues for cultural collaboration.

Mini-Museum Exhibition:
Additionally, Metaestetica Lab@Museum features a private Mini-Museum on Contemporary Art in Cambodia. Currently on display are works by several talented artists, including Em Riem, Anida Yoeu Ali, Tor Vutha, Vannak Khun, Suos Sodavy, Ernst Altmann, Gregory Gosselin, Carlo Santoro, Vuth Lyno, Yen Entearak, along with those who participated in A-N-T-O-P-I-A Phnom Penh Events.

Italian Night at Meta House:
Following the event, the celebration continues with the 6th Italian Night at Meta House, featuring a Film Screening and Dinner in the Garden.

Join us for an evening of artistic exploration, cultural richness, and community engagement. This event promises to be a unique experience, showcasing the vibrant tapestry of Cambodia's contemporary art scene.

For more details and to stay updated, visit the event page.

For Leang Seckon's CV, you can download it here.

Explore more about Anicca Foundation at www.anicca-thaddeus.com.